The Flat-Belly Workout Swaying Warrior 2

Credit: Perry Hagopian

Swaying Warrior 2

Stand in a wide straddle on a mat. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and your left foot in 45 degrees. Bend your right knee (keep it over your ankle) so your thigh is parallel to the mat. Press firmly into your outer left foot and inner right foot, and use your inner thighs and lower abs to hold the pose. Stretch your arms out to the sides, then slide your left arm down the back of your left leg and reach your right arm overhead.

Lift up and all the way over until your right elbow comes down to your knee; stretch your left arm over your ear. Repeat 2 more times. On the last one, stay in the final position for 3–5 breaths before coming up and repeating on the other side.


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